Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Playboy Mansion Kandyland

Now I’ve been to parties at the Playboy Mansion before, and they were all frickin’ awesome!  But I was reading about the upcoming Kandyland Party this June 23rd, I couldn’t believe all that will be happening!

Hundreds of hand-picked, sexy women will be there, of course! Playboy Playmates, yeah!  Hand-painted Kandy models, love it!  Kandy Go-Go dancers, great!  Sexy servers in translucent outfits, bring them on!  Women in lingerie made of edible candy, yum!

And, as expected at parties held at the Playboy Mansion, Kandyland will have deejays playing hot music that make you gyrate and rock out.  Of course the Kandyland party will have professional performances, pole dancing, and free flowing booze all night. Absolutely this party will be attended by professional athletes and celebrities and the ultra-rich.

But the Kandyland 2012 Party is totally different!

It will be an unbelievable sight and sound experience.  We’ll be overwhelmed by the Kandy themed decorations, like enormous candies everywhere, gigantic Kandy mushrooms and lollipops.  We’ll be wolfing down the chocolate fountains, tons of pies, mountains of cake… and umpa juice!  There will be a Gum Drop Forest, with twinkling lights and Kandy surprises.  There will be Kandyland Island (the grotto), where the sweetest (and most delicious) things happen. And there will be UmpaLumpas!  This Kandyland party is going to make me feel like a kid in a candy store gone wild!

Kandyland will be like a real life fantasy of sweet decadence and sexy seduction come true!

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